IEEE ComSoc DLT Program at UPB

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Dr. Gustavo Siles Ph.D.,  Research Proffesor , head of the LRC, was invited to give a conference in the frame of the IEEE ComSoc DLT (Distinguished Lecturer Tour), organized by the IEEE Bolivian Section and the IEEE Student Branch at UPB.  The distinguished lecturer was Dr. Rose Qingyang Hu, from  Utah State University. The event was held in Cochabamba on November 10th, 2017.

The IEEE ComSoc DLT program allows high-level and recognized experts to give lectures worldwide on state-of-the-art topics on telecommunications and networks. During the event, Dr. Qingyang  and Dr. Siles showed their current research lines. Dr. Qingyang Hu reviewed several wireless technologies, in particular those ones related to IoT and 5G. On the other hand, Dr. Siles reviewed the main problematics and impairments caused by the atmosphere affecting satellite communication systems at Ka-band.