Webinar «Introduction to rain attenuation in satellite communication systems: practical cases with the TKSat-1»

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The Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur (UNTELS) invited Dr. Gustavo Siles, Director of the LRC, to give a lecture  entitled «Introduction to rain attenuation in satellite communication systems: practical cases with the TKSat-1». The lecture was on July 9th.

The talk was part of the webinar series organized by the Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones from UNTELS. The lecture dealt with theoretical aspects on rain attenuation and practical calculations for different regions in Bolivia covered by the TKSat-1. The lecture was live transmitted and it is available (in Spanish) in the following link: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=603418307244299